Inclusion and Co-Teaching Professional Development


"The 2 > 1 Teaching Approach" method was developed by 2-Teach Consulting and provides guidance for both teacher development and administration processes to successfully implement a collaborative teaching program. All children do not have the same needs in the classroom. It is imperative that their teachers understand and facilitate a learning environment where every child thrives- not just survives. With the 2 > 1 Teaching Approach teachers work together to provide a nurturing and positive learning environment for each and every child. Not sure how to integrate this method into your existing structure? Contact us to avoid the common pitfalls of co-teaching by letting us:


* Provide a roadmap on how to get started as a co-teaching partnership
* Teach planning strategies for co-teaching partners
* Provide professional development and training for general and special education teachers so they have clear expectations of roles and responsibilities
* Put systems in place to determine the effectiveness of your collaborative program


* Help you work through tough issues that arise when professionals teach together
* Identify personal strengths to best utilize each professional in classroom
* Provide constructive feedback to increase effectiveness of the partnership

More About What the 2 > 1 Teaching Approach Can Do For You

* Provide technical assistance to increase knowledge of collaborative teacher’s roles and responsibilities
* Facilitate teacher collaboration to utilize personnel more efficiently
* Provide classroom observations and debrief resulting in coaching teachers to increase teacher and student
engagement, promote on-task student behavior, and embed strategies to meet the needs of all students
* Establish a positive, academic learning climate
* Provide follow-up meetings concluding professional development
* Provide quality indicators for a successful inclusive campus
* Coach co-teachers (all levels) in roles and responsibilities, teaching approaches, embedding
instructional strategies, grouping of students, classroom management, planning time
* Provide feedback to administration regarding the co-teaching classrooms/program and
establish teacher expectations within collaborative classes
* Facilitate meetings of teachers to increase the effectiveness of partnership
* Assist planning meetings with teachers to facilitate and model collaboration
* Determine effectiveness of a collaborative program
* Provide instructional strategies to implement in lessons

Engaging learners and doing more together!

Inclusion. Co-Teaching. Collaboration.

Get Started Today Developing Co-Teaching Best Practices to Increase the Effectiveness of Collaborative Teaching using the 2 > 1 Teaching Approach.
Let 2Teach Consulting Help You!

Collaboration occurs when general and special-education teachers work together to instruct and provide student support to a range of abilities, including students requiring support services, in the general education classroom. Co-teaching is based on some mutual and some differing strengths of the teachers. A partnership cannot be sustained unless each professional makes a valuable contribution. 2-Teach Consulting provides campus support K-12 for Inclusion and Co-Teaching Professional development.

  • Co-Teach Training
  • Classroom Observations & Feedback
  • Coaching of Co-Teaching Partnerships
  • Facilitation of Teacher Collaboration & Building a Collaborative Culture

More About Merideth

Merideth Jones has over 18 years experience in program implementation in educational systems. After receiving both her Bachelor of Science and her Master in Education, she worked in secondary schools wearing the "many hats" of a special educator but always foremost as a co-teacher. She was later employed with Region XIII Education Service Center where she implemented and supported inclusion programs, defining and executing the processes that supported the teachers, the administration, and students. In 2001, she furthered her position as an inclusion specialist as a consultant for Stetson & Associates, Inc. There, she implemented district-wide/campus-focused assistance and training in the areas of collaborative teaming, differentiated instruction, inclusion, co-teaching, and research-based effective practices. Starting her own business in 2004 as a Private Consultant for Inclusion Implementation and as owner of 2-Teach Consulting, she continues to bring her expertise and experience to school districts to help them understand, plan, and execute inclusion and collaborative teaching programs. She both developed and teaches her methodology, "The 2 > 1 Teaching Approach", to school districts that need guidance for both teacher development and administration processes to successfully implement a collaborative teaching program that benefits the student learning demographics. Her formal education includes: Bachelor of Science in Education, Baylor University, May 1996 (Speech Pathology- Major, Education-Minor); Master of Education, Southwest Texas State University, August 1997 (Special Education-Major, Elementary Education-Minor)
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Owner, 2-Teach Consulting

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